Take part in a UniSA PhD student survey and help CAM researchers and practitioners in the conduct and application of research
Yasamin Veziari, a registered nurse, naturopath and PhD student at the University of South Australia, is currently conducting a novel PhD study that aims to gain an understanding of the barriers and enablers to the conduct and application of research among complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions.
This survey aims to gain an understanding of the barriers that CAM researchers and practitioners face to the conduct and application of research within their professions. There is consistent research evidence to indicate that CAM professionals encounter numerous barriers within their professions. Yet, to date, no research has investigated barriers along the evidence-based practice continuum (i.e. generation – access – application of evidence).
Read the Participant Information Sheet
You are invited to disseminate this survey among your networks, which will help to further the understanding of barriers to the conduct and application of research in CAM. To be eligible to participate, you must be a CAM practitioner or a CAM researcher (i.e. staff, alumni or member of a CAM institution such as schools/universities, organisations, associations, businesses and other CAM bodies).
This survey has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee (ID #202615).
Upon completion of the survey, participants will be eligible to go into a draw to win one of five $50.00 Coles/Myers gift vouchers.
If would like further information about the study, please contact Yasamin Veziari by phone or email as follows:
PhD candidate: Yasamin Veziari School of Health Sciences University of South Australia Mob: 0412 950 891 Email: Yasamin.Veziari@mymail.unisa.edu.au |