Practitioner Research Special Interest Groups (PRSIGs)

Practitioner Research Special Interest Groups (PRSIGs) provide opportunities for individuals and teams to connect with others in their area of research interest.

The aim of PRSIGs is to build individual and team skills and knowledge in research related activity to improve research literacy, clinical practice and effectiveness, as well as practical research skills.

Practitioners may participate in more than one PRSIG. Involvement has the potential to attract CPE points.

How do PRSIGs work?

  • Practitioners register to join the BTFA by filling in the Membership Application form.
  • Group sessions are facilitated by a leader and are conducted on a regular basis (e.g. monthly/quarterly).
  • Participation in PRSIG activity may attract bonus CPE points.

Who is eligible to join?

  • Practitioners and therapists who are current financial members of the BTFA, or are members of an endorsed affiliated organisation.


  • Research literacy – Providing a forum to develop foundational knowledge about research concepts and activity.
  • Using outcome measures to improve clinical practice – Providing a forum for practitioners using simple outcome measures in clinical practice to connect, share learnings and experiences and develop through peer interaction and support.
  • Writing case reports for publication – Providing a forum for practitioners involved in writing a case report for publication to connect, share learnings and experiences and develop through peer interaction and support.