Research Directions

The research and evidence base for Bowen Therapy is slim, particularly in terms of rigorous studies demonstrating its safety and efficacy. A contributing factor is the profession’s relatively limited knowledge of, and engagement with, scientifically robust research.

The BTFA has committed to building a robust research culture within the profession over the next five to ten years, which supports the profession’s capacity and capability to understand, evaluate, communicate, engage with, and apply research and research findings into clinical practice.

Identifying the best ways to achieve this goal and implementing appropriate strategies has been identified as a priority agenda for the BTFA.

Research directions and strategies supporting this agenda include:

  • Evaluating BTFA members’ understanding of, engagement in, and use of research
  • Undertaking strategic planning sessions with partners and key stakeholders to identify research capacity building requirements and resources at the practitioner, team and organisational levels
  • Developing partnerships with stakeholders around interests, resources and needs
  • Identifying research capacity building leaders, champions, and educators
  • Establishing a dedicated Research Section on the BTFA’s website
  • Establishing Practitioner Research Special Interest Groups and promoting educational programs and resources to foster therapist’s research literacy and ability to engage with and apply research.