Child Safe legislation changes in South Australia from 1 July 2019

The BTFA has been advised that the South Australian Department of Education have made changes to the Childsafe Environment legislation that take place immediately (from July 1st 2019).

From 1 July, for anyone working with children in SA a new Working With Children Check replaces the SAPOL child-related employment screening. The current child-related employment screening check will be recognised as a Working With Children check until it expires or until the 1 July 2020 whichever comes first – however, this does NOT apply to sole traders.

Sole traders will NOT be able to rely on the SAPOL national criminal history record as they have not been assessed by an organisation. If you are a sole trader and currently have a SAPOL-issued working with children check and are delivering services to children in South Australia, you must update and have a Working With Children Check (WWCC) or Child Related Employment Screening issued by the Department of Human Services as of 1 July 2019.

Please note that undertaking a SAPOL working with children check will no longer be an option from 1 July 2019. Anyone requiring to update their screening certificates from 1 July 2019 will need to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC) or Child Related Employment Screening issued by the Department of Human Services.

Further information about the changes and your requirements under the changes can be found at the Department of Education and the Department of Human Services website.